Seven Days

Seven Days is my first solo album with songs that I wrote over the last several years. One song even dates back to my first band I founded when I was 14 years old. Even though my music style has changed recently, I wanted to put this old song on the CD.
Seven Days was released in July 2012 and was available on amazon.
I spent a lot of time on writing and composing the songs. For Seven Days the term solo-CD is meant literally. Beside the creation of the songs I arranged and produced them in my own studio. Almost every tune was recorded by myself. I even did the booklet for the CD.

Former members of the band Tyrone kept running the spirit of the band that split up in 1992 by founding a new band Tyrone Project. During their study in universities all over south Germany the musicians were led by the idea to record a CD. Masquerade was produced within one year, including songwriting and recording. The songs were written by different members and arranged by the entire band. It was a big effort to organize and release this collection of songs.
Twenty One

After recording Masquerade many song ideas remained as for many reasons they couldn’t find their place on the CD. Twenty One offered a new field for musical creativity. Recorded in the same studio as Masquerade three further songs were produced as a next logical step.
DB Project

My first project and song recording. On a four-track recording machine I recorded a couple of songs with a friend. The result was a cassette with the title Cities In Flight. CDs were not invented yet.

The songs with Italian lyrics were discoverd by two producers who offered us our first record deal. We re-recorded two songs on 24 tracks that was state-of-the-art gear in studios at that time. The songs were released on a sampler called Band-Salat.